Those who have tried to play with the thinkbot-powered simulation demo would have soon realised one of its fundamental limitations: it assumes that the output quantity is a deformation-like vector field in 3D for the purposes of visualization. To overcome this limitation, I’ve started to spec out some generalizations to thinkbot and Mechanics Academy’s visualisation framework to allow for a wider range of output quantities.
When implemented, you should be able to plot meshes, scalar and vector fields (both as arrow glyphs and as warped meshes) in 2- and 3-dimensions. To help you imagine these (and to remind me of the different cases!), I’ve provided some examples below from different FEniCS demos that motivate this upgrade:
Computational mesh
Scalar field, as a color map
Scalar field, as colors and z-height
Vector field, as arrow glyphs
Computational mesh
Scalar field, as a color map
Vector field, as arrow glyphs
Vector field, as mesh distortion
Stay tuned for an updated demo showing off some of this new stuff soon!
July 20, 2013 — Read other entries
Mechanics Academy aims to be a stimulating and fun environment where students learn topics in mechanics and applied mathematics.
September 15, 2013
July 20, 2013
June 10, 2013
March 28, 2013
February 26, 2013