Programming computers to analyze and solve scientific problems.
This examples accesses thinkbot's RESTful API via AJAX and allows you to solve simple boundary value problems right within your browser window!
Watch how computational dynamics helps two quadrocopters not only balance an inverted pendulum, but also throw and catch it amongst themselves.
This is perhaps the course that aligns most closely with the goals of Mechanics Academy. In it, Prof. Strang presents a review of of numerous topics---including linear algebra and differential equations---and demonstrates their applicability to interesting problems. Through the course, he also emphasizes numerical solutions in MATLAB, which play a ...
Instructor: Prof. Gilbert Strang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Topics covered: Fourier Series, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Lagrange Multipliers, Applications, Calculus of Variations, MATLAB, Numerical Methods
Course level: Graduate
Nonlinear elasticity theory plays a fundamental role in modeling the mechanical response of many polymeric and biological materials. This course begins with an overview of continuum mechanics theory and proceeds to specialise the material to the needs of modelling nonlinear elastic materials. It concludes with a look at how the ...
Instructor: Dr. Harish Narayanan, Mechanics Academy
Topics covered: Finite Element Method, Nonlinear Elasticity, Tensor Calculus, Time-stepping schemes, Material Modelling, Programming, FEniCS Software
Course level: Graduate